The last visit to Jubail produced at least six Greater Spotted Eagles, mainly seen perched on the power pylons, but occasionally in the reedbeds as well. Other birds of prey seen included a single Long-legged Buzzard and well over ten Western Marsh Harriers including a male. One female remained perched in a tree which is unusual for the species as they normally fly before you can get close, so a couple of photos were taken (shown below). Other birds seen included a few wintering Daurian Shrikes, plenty of Squacco Heron and Little Egret as well as a number of Grey Heron and Great Egret and a few Greater Flamingo. Common Moorhen numbers are remaining steady but at much reduced numbers compared to those of several years previously and Grey-headed Swamphen remain common at the location. White Wagtail and Water Pipit numbers are slowly increasing as winter progresses.
Greater Spotted Eagle |
Western Marsh Harrier |
Western Marsh Harrier |
Common Moorhen |
Little Egret |