A trip to Sabkhat Al Fasl produced very little of interest as migration is almost over. There were only three shrikes seen which were a very worn Turkestan Shrike and two adult male Red-backed Shrikes. Other migrants were very thin on the ground with only two Barn Swallows and 15 Sand Martins most of which were perched on the barbed wire fence of the water pumping station.
Turkestan Shrike (worn) |
Red-backed Shrike - adult male |
Sand Martins |
Sand Martin |
A few waders were still present including 20+ Black-winged Stilts, 30+ Kentish Plovers, one Little Ringed Plover and one Ruff. Plenty of herons were still about with 10+ Squacco Herons, 10+ Little Egrets, six Little Bitterns and 20+ Indian Reef Herons of both colour morphs being the best. An adult Caspian Gull was a late stayer as was a Black-headed Gull and at least 300 Greater Flamingos were also still in their normal place on the flooded sabkah. The only other birds of interest were a few terns including three Caspian Terns but the majority were Little Terns.
Kentish Plover |
Little Egret |