Last weekend in Jubail, I saw a few migrants at Aqua Park. I arrived at first light and as the park was being watered spent the first hour looking at the birds on the grassy areas. Here I noted a few migrants like a couple of Spotted Flycatcher and three Tree Pipit with up to ten Yellow Wagtail. The park is neat to a water area and here there were a few waders such as Eurasian Whimbrel, Dunlin, Kentish Plover and Black-winged Stilts. Egrets were numerous with most birds being Indian Reef Herons and a few Slender-billed Gulls were also present. A single duck noted at some distance turned out to be a female Northern Pintail on closer inspection. The trees held a few birds with a Masked Shrike noted along with a Lesser Whitethroat and birds flying over included good numbers of both Barn Swallow and Sand Martin.
Northern Pintail |
Spotted Flycatcher |
Tree Pipit |
Yellow Wagtail |
Yellow Wagtail |