The land
areas and almost devoid of birds now with the exception of the local resident
breeders. As a result most of the action during birding takes place on the
percolation and settling ponds. Here there are lots of Little Grebes with young
and Common Moorhen and Eurasian Coot with chicks as well. Waders are beginning
to increase with plenty of Black-winged Stilts, Kentish Plovers and a few
Little Ringed Plovers all of which have probably bred nearby. The best birds
seen on the percolation pond have been a pair of Little Bitterns and fortunately
their favoured fishing spot is close to the main track and allows good and
close observation. There is a chance the Little Bitterns have bred this year
but I have seen no sign of any juveniles yet.
Little Bittern |
Little Grebes |
Kentish Plover |