Haradh is an excellent site with many pivot irrigation fields that attract a lot of wintering birds. We visited recently and found many of the pivots green with planted winter wheat. We saw a few good birds around the fields such as a male Pallid Harrier, A single adult Eastern Imperial Eagle and a single Steppe Eagle with a few Common Kestrel also located. Small numbers of Greater Short-toed Lark and several White Wagtail were in the wetter fields and a large flock of 38 Spur-winged Lapwing flew over. Several Desert Wheatear were also scattered around the fields and one or two Isabelline Wheatear were also present. One field with crops held a flock of over forty Northern Lapwings and several Spur-winged Lapwing but nothing else of note could be seen with them. A few Greater Hoopoe Lark gave good views as did a few Spanish Sparrows. Black-crowned Sparrow Larks were seen, as always at this location, and the number of Cream-coloured Coursers was amazing with 127 birds seen in total including groups of thirty to forty birds in some fields. It is always enjoyable birding the fields at Haradh and this vist was very rewarding.
Cream-coloured Courser |
Pallid Harrier |
Pallid Harrier |
Spanish Sparrow |