A 05:00 hrs trip to Dammam Al Khobar Wader Roost south to catch the high tide proved quite successful. The tide was well in and all the birds had been pushed up onto the newly made sand banks and depressions and plenty of birds were about. There were several hundred Greater Sand Plovers with a similar number of Lesser Sand Plovers. Interestingly the birds were using different areas to roost. A minimum three hundred Dunlin made up most of the remainder although there were 20+ Terek Sandpipers, five Ruddy Turnstones and three Sanderlings amongst them. After about an hour and a half of carefully checking the waders eight Crab Plovers flew in and landed. This is easily the highest count of the year so far but is much less than the 25 seen last year. Other waders seen scattered around were 20+ Grey Plovers and three Whimbrels. An immature Western Marsh Harrier was sitting on one of the newly made roads looking a bit out of place and an Isabelline Wheatear was in the scrub nearby. Five Greater Flamingos flew past and several House Crows were around but little else of note.
Crab Plovers |
Crab Plovers |
Greater Sand Plover |