22 September 2023

Herons – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

Whilst checking out the birds on the Dhahran Waste Water Lake, just after first light, I stopped for a while to photograph the herons present. I saw eleven Purple Heron, six Grey Heron, 20+ Black-crowned Night Heron and a single Western Great Egret. All these birds are common on the lake and stay all year, but the gathering of Purple Heron was one of the largest I have seen in Dhahran. The birds spend most of their time sitting on the water’s edge catching fish and frogs and occasionally fly if disturbed. I was a little surprised I saw no Cattle Egrets as there are a few around now on the nearby Cricket Field.

Black-crowned Night Heron - adult

Black-crowned Night Heron - adult

Black-crowned Night Heron - juvenile

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Western Great Egret

Western Great Egret