30 September 2023

September on the Cricket Field – Dhahran Hills

September is a good month to check the cricket fields in the evening as they are watered thoroughly and the soft ground attracts numerous species of birds. A female Common Kestrel was around for most of the month, normally perched on the floodlights but occasionally dropping down to feed on the ground. Much more common species were Eurasian Collared Dove and Crested Lark with tens of birds scattered around the playing area. Waders were made up of Eurasian Whimbrel & Ruff whilst flyovers of note included a few groups of Rose-ringed Parakeet and an Osprey that was only ever seen as the sun was setting.

Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

Crested Lark

Eurasian Collared Dove

Rose-ringed Parakeet





