Crested Lark
Jem's Birding & Ringing Exploits in the Eastern Province and elsewhere in Saudi Arabia
26 September 2011
Crested Lark & A Few Duck - Dhahran Hills
Things are still quite slow this autumn with only one Isabelline Wheatear and a couple of Crested Lark on the spray fields. The water level in the percolation pond is now high with no real areas for waders although a few were still flying over looking for somewhere to land including a Green Sandpiper, five Kentish Plover and four Common Redshank. There were 15 Grey Heron, one immature Purple Heron and a Little Egret. The only other birds were a few ducks including 11 Garganey, two Eurasian Teal and one Northern Shoveller. Three European Bee-eater, five Barn Swallow, two Sand Martin and 18 Yellow Wagtail were the only other good birds.