06 January 2020

Fulvescens Greater Spotted Eagle - Jubail

During the winter there was a slightly unusual coloured Greater Spotted Eagle in the Jubail area. It was not the normal dark chocolate colour I associate with these birds but a much more warmer colour. I have never seen the bird close but managed the below photos on one day of its stay that amounted to several weeks. They are not great but show how the bird looked like in the field at least. Yoav Perlman very kindly pointed out this bird looked odd and similar to a Lesser Spotted Eagle due to its small head and bill and pale underwing coverts that are paler than the remiges. I sent the photos to Dick Forsman who said he thought the bird was a fulvescens Greater Spotted Eagle although could not rule out Lesser Spotted Eagle genes being involved in the bird.

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle