30 July 2023

A few herons – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

Whilst birding Dhahran Waste Water Lake there was very little to be seen. The hight of the summer, when only breeding birds and summer visitors are present is always slow. I did see six Grey Herons and the same number of Black-crowned Night Herons sitting on the bank of the drying up lake or in the nearby dead trees. A single Purple Heron flew off at first light and a Western Great Egret was hiding in the reeds. The only other birds seen on the lake were Little Grebe, Eurasian Coot and Black-winged Stilt. The scrub around the pond was devoid of birds with only White-cheeked Bulbul seen. Autumn migration should start soon and I am looking forward to seeing a few more species.

Grey Heron

Black-crowned Heron - juvenile

Black-crowned Heron - adult & juveniles

Black-crowned Heron - juvenile