14 July 2023

First returning waders – Dhahran

Whilst birding the Dhahran Waste Water Lake 1 July, I came across the first returning wader in the form of a Common Greenshank. Black-winged Stilts have been around all year and although numbers have fluctuated, I am assuming they are all local birds making the Common Greenshank something of interest in an otherwise quiet period. Another new bird was a white phase immature Western Reef Heron. A grey phase bird has been around the last few weeks, but it disappeared and has been replaced by this smart bird. Herons seen included one Purple Heron, One Western Great Egret, five Grey Heron and thee Black-crowned Night Herons. The only land birds of note were a few Indian Silverbill, several calling Graceful Prinia and a single Pallid Swift.

Graceful Prinia

Graceful Prinia

Grey Heron

Indian Silverbill

Western Reef Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Common Greenshank