01 October 2023

A scattering of migrants – Jubail

My last visit to Jubail at the end of September turned up a small number of migrants. Shrikes are always common in this area of Jubail throughout the migration period with quite a number staying to winter. This trip I located a few Daurian, Turkestan and a single Red-backed Shrike. I spent quite abit of time trying to get good photos of Graceful Prinia and saw a number of this species as well as Caspian Reed Warbler and Clamorous Reed Warbler. A single Tree Pipit was very good at avoiding being photographed but the hundreds of Yellow Wagtails were slightly more obliging. A single first calendar year Citrine Wagtail spent a bit of time at close quarters but was never in favourable light for good photos. Barn Swallows and Sand Martins were around in large numbers but not easy to photograph until I found a couple of Barn Swallows resting on a stick that allowed close approach. Trying to get photos of the Sand Martins in flight proved too difficult and I soon gave up. Grey Herons, Purple Herons and Squacco Heron numbers are building up and I managed to get quite close to a Squacco Heron this trip.

Yellow Wagtail

Yellow Wagtail

Yellow Wagtail

Yellow Wagtail

Turkestan Shrike

Squacco Heron

Squacco Heron

Squacco Heron

Red-backed Shrike

Squacco Heron

Daurian Shrike

Daurian Shrike

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow