29 October 2023

Ducks and more – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

My last few visits to the Dhahran Waste Water Lake have produced a few ducks of various species. The regular Ferruginous Ducks, that have been around for almost a month, were joined on one occasion by three Eurasian Teal and a female Northern Pintail and a female Garganey was also seen on one occasion. Hopefully duck numbers build up over the next month or so, with this being a good and safe place for them to rest and feed. A few waders have been dropping into to feed and rest on the waters edge, with Common Sandpiper, Common Greenshank and Black-winged Stilt being the most common. Migrants around the edge of the lake have been lacking this autumn although the number of Rose-ringed Parakeet flying over appear to be increasing.

Ferruginous Duck

Ferruginous Duck

Common Greenshank

Common Greenshank

Common Greenshank

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet