04 October 2023

A scattering of Migrants – Al Uqayr

A trip to Al Uqayr in late September produced a scattering of migrants, but nothing out of the ordinary. There were a good number of shrikes of various species around with five Woodchat Shrike, twenty Daurian Shrike, four Great Grey Shrike and a Lesser Grey Shrike. Two Spotted Flycathers were busy along the side of a small tree lined farm with several Barn Swallow in flight over the same area. Eurasian Hoopoe and Brown-necked Raven were flying over with the commonest birds House Sparrow and White-eared Bulbul. Brown-necked Raven, although a common resident is not seen very often in this area. I later went to the coast to try to see if any waders were in a good position for photography but the area was wet and muddy and it was not possible to pass without a high chance of becoming stuck so I headed home a little earlier than normal.

Brown-necked Raven

Brown-necked Raven

Daurian Shrike

Daurian Shrike

Great Grey Shrike

Great Grey Shrike

Great Grey Shrike

House Sparrow

Spotted Flycatcher

White-eared Bulbul

Woodchat Shrike

Woodchat Shrike