My last trip to Sabkhat Al Fasl was quite quiet with few birds seen. I
did manage to still see eight Greater Spotted Eagles and 28 Western Marsh
Harriers but numbers of other species were low. This was possibly because it
was a cool and overcast day and sunlight was at a premium, which is unusual in
Saudi Arabia. As always a few Grey-headed Swamphens and Squacco Herons were
about but wader numbers were very low with a few Dunlin, marsh Sandpipers and
Grey Plovers noted along with 38 Common Snipe. The best thing seen was a large
group of Eurasian Coot numbering 121 birds, easily the highest count for the
location where any double figure counts are noteworthy.
Grey Plover |
Greater Spotted Eagle |
Eurasian Coots |