Whilst birding the Jubail area in mid-August the same breeding warblers as seen in early July were noted. The most common warbler was Caspian Reed Warbler, followed by Graceful Prinia and then Clamorous Reed Warbler. As it is now August, the birds are singing infrequently with only Graceful Prinia still singing briefly and making a few contact calls. All birds were seen in the reed growth at the side of a large flooded sabkha area but as the weather was extremely hot and very humid it was not possible to take photos to start with due to the camera lens becoming fogged up with moisture even though I drove the whole way there with no air conditioning in the car and the windows open to try to avoid this issue. I watched these warblers moving about for almost an hour until the humidity got the better of me and I moved off.
Caspian Reed Warbler |
Caspian Reed Warbler |
Clamorous Reed Warbler |
Graceful Prinia |
Graceful Prinia |
Graceful Prinia |