31 January 2024

Pallid Swift – Dhahran Waste Water Lake

An early morning trip to Dhahran Waste Water Lake in January produced a few good birds including the Red-wattled Lapwings still present. The lake still held two Tufted Duck and a small number of Great Cormorant, although significantly less than last year. Egrets and herons included two Squacco Heron, one Great Egret, thee Little Egret and ten Grey Heron. Several Daurian Shrikes are wintering at the location and the Pied Kingfisher was also seen in flight, hovering, and perched briefly. A small number of Pallid Swift are still around, dropping down occasionally to drink from the lake. Graceful Prinia are now singing again, with males calling from a lot of different locations. This species has increased significantly in numbers over the last ten years and is now a common sight when out at any time of year. Another species that is singing commonly around the lake is the Crested Lark, a common resident breeder. 

Pallid Swift

Crested Lark

Crested Lark

Crested Lark

Crested Lark

Creat Cormorant

Little Egret

Tufted Duck

Tufted Duck