12 July 2011

Clamorous Reed Warbler

There were again a good number of Clamorous Reed Warbler calling from the reeds, and today I was able to take a couple of photographs of a bird as it came down into the low Phragmites to catch insects. The race breeding in eastern Saudi Arabia is Acrocephalus stentoreus brunnescens. The second photograph shows the short wings (restricted primary extension beyond the tertials) and the last photograph the pale underside.

Features separating this species from Great Reed Warbler include:-
The supercilium extends well behind the eye.
Longer bill
Thinner bill compared to the Thrush like bill of Great Reed Warbler
Grey rather than brownish leg colour.
Short wing length - primary extension past tertials about 2/3rds the length of tertials (equal to tertial length in Great Reed Warbler).
Primary tips showing are normally 6-7 in brunnescens Clamorous Reed Warbler although can be as little as 4-5, and 7-8 for Great Reed Warbler.
Less warm toned upperparts than nominate Great Reed Warbler.