A single Crested Honey Buzzard was over the Dhahran Main camp school early 10 January and two others over the golf course that same day. The next day all three birds were seen over the golf course showing that the three birds seen 30 November 2013 are still about and wintering in the vicinity of the camp. Four birds wintered here last year and used the gold course trees as a roosting site at night. Another good bird was a Western Osprey seen over the percolation pond 11 January and the Western Marsh Harrier was seen again over the spray fields on a few occasions. Eurasian Sparrowhawks have been seen regularly in different places around the camp and a male Pallid Harrier was present 12 January.
Crested Lark |
Crested Lark |
A single Common Black-headed Gull was on the percolation pond with eight Great Cormorants but not much else. Crested Larks are being seen more regularly the last few days and some have been very confiding, maybe due to the cold weather? It is still very quiet on the camp but I am looking forward to the start of the spring migration that starts very early in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia.