Yesterday I went to the 'patch' as always and was not expecting too much as there has been little of interest about for a few days and it looked like the migration season may be over. There were , however, a few good birds to keep me happy. The pond was very quiet but a large flock of 53 Sand Martins and a single Red-rumped Swallow were flying around catching the now plentiful mosquitoes. The Red-rumped Swallow was the first one I have seen in Dhahran for almost two months and a surprise to see. The spray fields had 14 Sand Martins and a large flock of House Sparrows including many juveniles. 30+ Indian Mynas were also making a commotion in the same area as the Sparrows and seven White-eared Bulbuls were flying from one look out position to another mainly keeping in pairs.
House Sparrow |
White-eared Bulbul |
A walk around the pond produced a couple of good warblers with the first being a Great Reed Warbler busily eating insects in a mesite tree. It gave very good views but as the light was fading no photos were taken of it. The second good warbler was an Upcher's Warbler in the opposite corner from the Great Reed Warbler and it showed reasonably well before flying off to the scrubby desert area where I lost it. Four Eastern Olivaceous Warblers are holding territory in various places around the pond and Clamorous Reed Warbler singing males also totalled four birds. Three European Turtle Doves were perched in three different trees and a Spotted Flycatcher was catching flys from the top of the tallest tree in the area, making a good evenings birding for late May.
European Turtle Dove |