A trip to Jubail in late May produced a few migrants, although significantly less than earlier in the month. The most numerous species was Red-backed Shrike with 85 seen during the trip a slight drop from the 87 seen the week previously. Spotted Flycatchers were about in good numbers but other migrants there low in number. A single European Roller was week for the third week running, a different bird to the one seen last week and Sand Martins were around in good numbers with a few Barn Swallows present as well. Wader numbers were low with only a handful of Dunlin, one Green Sandpiper, several Wood Sandpipers, and a nice group of 17 Curlew Sandpipers, one in full summer plumage. A very smart White-winged Tern was seen flying over and a male Golden Oriole, my first for this location, flew across in front of the car and landed in some large trees by the roadside.
European Roller |
Red-backed Shrike |
Spotted Flycatcher |