Phil Roberts spent the morning of 18 March 2016 in Jubail but mentioned
it was relatively quiet. There was no
sign of the Pied Kingfishers that have been around all winter or the Dead Sea
Sparrows that have been around for a couple of weeks. He also mentioned only
seeing one Greater Spotted Eagle a large decrease over the ten plus seen during
the winter. These species are winter visitors (except the Dead Sea Sparrow that
is a vagrant with only teo records) have probably moved back to their breeding
grounds. Other winter visitors seen by Phil included Western Marsh Harriers but
again they were in lower number than previously in the winter, Common Kingfisher and Great Cormorants. Phil mentioned there was not much in the way of migrants. He saw one Yellow Wagtail but all the
Black-headed Wagtails appeared to have moved on. There were 47 Caspian Terns and a few waders
but not many. There was also a Common Black-headed Gull resplendent in its breeding plumage. Phil sent me a few of
his photos and has kindly allowed me to use them on my website.
Western Marsh Harrier |
Great Cormorant |
Common Kingfisher |
Black-headed Gulls |